
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Always in trend: important economic events for 2024-06-28


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Miss no important economic event with newsletters from RoboForex. The list of events for 2024-06-28 can be found below:

28.06.2024 02:00 Service Sector Output (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:00 Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:00 Industrial Production (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:00 Industrial Production (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:30 Tokyo Core CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 02:30 Unemployment Rate (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:30 CPI Tokyo Ex Food and Energy (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:30 Tokyo CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:30 Jobs/applications ratio (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:30 CPI Tokyo Ex Food & Energy (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:50 Industrial Production (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 02:50 Industrial Production forecast 2m ahead (MoM) (Jul)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 02:50 Industrial Production forecast 1m ahead (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 04:30 Private Sector Credit (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 04:30 Housing Credit (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 05:00 Vietnamese Foreign Direct Investment (USD)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 07:00 Industrial Production (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 08:00 Budget Balance (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 08:00 Housing Starts (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 08:00 Construction Orders (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 08:00 Estonian Retail Sales (MoM)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 08:00 Estonian Retail Sales (YoY)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 GDP (YoY) (Q1)

Importance: High

28.06.2024 09:00 GDP (QoQ) (Q1)

Importance: High

28.06.2024 09:00 German Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:00 Current Account (Q1)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:00 Business Investment (QoQ) (Q1)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:00 German Retail Sales (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Trade Balance (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Household Lending Growth (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 M3 Money Supply (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Lithuania Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Lithuania Retail Sales (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Core Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 M3 Money Supply (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 GDP (YoY) (Q1)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Unemployment Rate (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 GDP (QoQ) (Q1)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 German Imports (MoM)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 German Import Price Index (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 Business Investment (YoY) (Q1)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:00 German Import Price Index (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:45 French CPI (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:45 French Consumer Spending (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:45 French HICP (MoM)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 09:45 French PPI (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:45 PPI (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:45 French CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 09:45 French HICP (YoY)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Spanish HICP (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 10:00 Spanish CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 10:00 KOF Leading Indicators (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 10:00 Trade Balance (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Austrian PPI (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Austrian PPI (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Money Supply (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Trade account (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Private Investment (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Private Consumption (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Imports (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Exports (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Current account (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Spanish HICP (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Spanish CPI (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Official Reserves Assets (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Core CPI (YoY)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:00 Exports

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:30 Foreign Reserves (USD)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:30 Currency Swaps (USD)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:55 German Unemployment Rate (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 10:55 German Unemployment Change (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 10:55 German Unemployment n.s.a. (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 10:55 German Unemployment (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Unemployment Rate n.s.a. (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Unemployment Change (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Central Bank Currency Purchase (Jul)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 CPI (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Spanish Current account (Apr)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Italian Industrial Sales (YoY) (Apr)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:00 Italian Industrial Sales (MoM) (Apr)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 11:30 M3 Money Supply (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Greek Retail Sales (YoY) (Apr)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Italian HICP (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Italian HICP (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Italian CPI (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Italian CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Foreign Reserves (USD)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 12:00 Greek PPI (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Eurogroup Meetings

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 13:00 EU Leaders Summit

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 13:00 Latvian Retail Sales (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Latvian Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Federal Fiscal Deficit (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Italian Trade Balance Non-EU (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Portuguese CPI (MoM) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:00 Portuguese CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 13:40 FOMC Member Barkin Speaks

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:00 Spanish Consumer Confidence (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 Gross Debt-to-GDP ratio (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 14:30 Budget Surplus (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 Budget Balance (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 Net Debt-to-GDP ratio (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 RBI Monetary and Credit Information Review

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 FX Reserves, USD

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 Deposit Growth

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 14:30 Bank Loan Growth

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 15:00 Unemployment Rate

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 15:00 Infrastructure Output (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 15:30 Core PCE Price Index (MoM) (May)

Importance: High

28.06.2024 15:30 Core PCE Price Index (YoY) (May)

Importance: High

28.06.2024 15:30 GDP (MoM) (Apr)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 15:30 Personal Spending (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 15:30 PCE Price index (YoY) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 15:30 PCE price index (MoM) (May)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 15:30 Real Personal Consumption (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 15:30 Personal Income (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Unemployment Rate (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Chilean Manufacturing Production (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Copper Production (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Dallas Fed PCE (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 CAGED Net Payroll Jobs

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Retail Sales (YoY)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Retail Sales (YoY) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:00 Retail Sales (MoM) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 16:45 Chicago PMI (Jun)

Importance: High

28.06.2024 17:00 Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 17:00 Michigan Consumer Expectations (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 17:00 Michigan 5-Year Inflation Expectations (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 17:00 Michigan 1-Year Inflation Expectations (Jun)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 17:00 CPI (YoY) (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 17:00 Michigan Current Conditions (Jun)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 17:30 Atlanta Fed GDPNow (Q2)

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 18:00 Fed Monetary Policy Report

Importance: High

28.06.2024 18:00 Current Account (USD) (May)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 19:00 FOMC Member Bowman Speaks

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 19:00 Unemployment Rate

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 19:00 Industrial Production (YoY)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 20:00 U.S. Baker Hughes Total Rig Count

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 20:00 U.S. Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 21:00 Interest Rate Decision (Jul)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:00 Economic Activity (YoY) (Apr)

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC EUR speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC JPY speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC BRL speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC AUD speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC S&P 500 speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Nasdaq 100 speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Gold speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Crude Oil speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC GBP speculative net positions

Importance: Medium

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC NZD speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC CHF speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC MXN speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC CAD speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Wheat speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Soybeans speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Silver speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Natural Gas speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Corn speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Copper speculative net positions

Importance: Low

28.06.2024 22:30 CFTC Aluminium speculative net positions

Importance: Low

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