
Monday, April 10, 2023

This Week’s Trading News and Webinars – April 10th – April 14th

Join us as we cover some of the most interesting topics on the markets.

AvaTrade's Weekly Webinars and Market Events

Join us for these exciting webinars and let's talk about what traders really want to know.

Thursday, April 13th, 2023, at 11:00 – 12:00 GMT
Live Q&A Webinar
Ask us anything at our special Q&A webinar - from trading-related questions, indicator analyses, platform questions, and even questions about AvaTrade! Once you attend the webinar, copy the tag, give it to your account manager after you deposit, and get a personal training session for free!
Save Your Spot

* Please note, webinars are in English only.

Watch previous webinars on our YouTube channel.


AvaTrade's Weekly Market Events

Read all about this week's most talked about market events.

Wednesday April 12th, 13:30 GMT
US Core CPI m/m
The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the Consumer Price Index change month over month. It shows the change in the cost of a standard basket of goods for consumers.
Traders pay attention to this number as it indicates inflation's effect on the US consumer. The recent continuing fight against inflation by the Fed suggests this could move markets.
Are consumers still facing inflation in America?
Trade The News
Wednesday, April 12th, 03:00 GMT
Canadian Rate Statement
The Bank of Canada will release a Monetary Policy Report and Rate Statement. This will show traders the strength or weakness of the Canadian economy.
Traders will pay attention to not only the decision but the statement that accompanies it. Traders will try to gauge the future movement of the Canadian dollar from this event.
Will the BoC hike or hold?
Trade The News
Thursday, April 13th, 02:30 GMT
Australian Employment Change/Rate
The Australian Bureau of Statistics will release the employment change during the month of March, as well as the unemployment rate.
Traders will look at these numbers as a gauge of economic health and the overall global growth picture, as Australia is such a massive exporter of commodities.
Will the Aussie jobs number surprise?
Trade The News

Want to start trading on these events? Click here to make your first trades now!

** Disclaimer –While due research has been undertaken to compile the above content, it remains an informational and educational piece only. None of the content provided constitutes any form of investment advice.

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